- AnotherGUI is written in Visual Basic and needs Microsoft .NET 4.0 runtime to works.
If you don't have Microsoft .NET Framework ver 4 installed, Windows should install this on first AnotherGUI start. - An audio/video converter compatible with AnotherGUI, see "Compatible converters" list
This freeware is portable, no installation is needed.
Just unzip and you are done.
Compatible converters
Some programs AnotherGUI has been tested with:
- ffmpeg - Win binary Take a 32-bit static build.
- ffmbc - Win binary or Win binary
- libav - Win binary
- x264 -Win binary
Video For Windows version
- mencoder - Win binary
- VirtualDub - Win binary
- convert from ImageMagic - Win binary
- convert from GraphicsMagic - Win binary
- image_to_j2k from Open Cinema Tools
If you found more interesting programs AnotherGUI can handle,
it would be great to be noticed, see me e-mail below.
About ffmbc and ffmpeg
ffmbc is a professional oriented converter, and it's derived from ffmpeg.
ffmbc has several professional further developments like target IMX,
target DNxHD and supports mapping audio channels
etc. but does decode less formats than ffmpeg.
The latest one makes possible to create elementary streams with every audio channel in separate file.
But ffmbc isn't updated as fast as ffmpeg, this is why ffmpeg may include some de/encoders that ffmbc doesn't.
Files in the zip
this is the program itself
the offline website documentation
Optional file in which you will find some presets examples for ffmpeg.
At first launch of AnotherGUI, it will ask you to load those presets.
If you select YES you will get a new file named "AnotherGUI Presets.xml".
AnotherGUI Presets.xml
Xml containing the presets.
You can add new presets with the AnotherGUI interface or manually with a text editor.
AnotherGUI Exception List.txt
Blacklisted extensions are stored in this file.
It is handy when you drop whole folders on AnotherGUI.
Clean registry for Windows7 Run As Administrator.reg
to clean AnotherGUI registry values
AnotherGUI is one window designed,
where you will find several buttons and text zones as described below.
Add Source(s) : button
Let you select one or several files to add in the job list.
If you prefer, you can use drag and drop.
This also supports droping folder(s).
Add an image sequence : button
Use to select one or severalfile from numbered files sequence(s). It doesn't have to be the firs or last one in sequence. Just one random.
AnotherGUI should recognize the pattern and generate the syntax for ffmpeg/ffmbc. Other programs may use similar syntax but not always.
You can also drag and drop an image file from sequence here and it will be used as image sequence.
Drag'nDrop supports also folder(s) and multiple files selection.
You have to specify the frame rate in your preset.
For ffmpeg it is "-r 25" before the "-i" argument where "25" is the framerate you would like to use.
Also check/change the output filename.
Change Output Path : button
Let you change the output directory for jobs.
Preset : list
The visible preset will be the default preset for next jobs.
To change preset, click on it and select from the list visible in the new window.
Edit : button
With the edit button, you can edit the options for the selected preset.
When saving, the result is stored in the ''AnotherGUI Presets.xml'' file.
Last command : text zone
The last command send from AnotherGUI is showed here.
To debug a preset click on diskette icon and the last command will be saved as file "Debug.bat".
Change it in text editor and launch as usual bat file.
It's pretty handy when debugging.
Job list : list
All jobs are stored on jobs list.
The leftmost button will try to play your source file with ffplay.
The Info button will show job data and if possible ffprobe info on source file.
To delete job(s) make selection and press Del.
To change preset select job(s) and change preset.
To change job(s) output folder select job(s) and chose "Change Output Path"
To change job resulting filename just double click on output file name and edit it.
NB. There is no warning if resulting file already exists and will be overwritten! It depends of your preset.
Customize presets
When a source file is added to jobs list the current preset is used.
You can change the preset by selecting the job or several jobs in jobs list and by changing the preset.
To edit preset open the Preset dialogue.
The preset name is whatever you want to use. Some symbols like ",", etc. are prohibited.
On preset execution the executable path + executable name will be placed before the preset (arguments).
The following variables are available in Preset and will be present a part of "Source file" (example = D:\My Footage\Test\Camera
<PureSourceFileExtension> | mov |
<PureSourceFileNameWOExtension> | Camera file |
<PureSourceFileNameWithExtension> | Camera |
<SourceFilePath> | D:\My Footage\Test\ |
<FullSourceFileNameWOExtension> | D:\My Footage\Test\Camera file |
<FullSourceFileName> or <SourceFileName> | D:\My Footage\Test\Camera |
<AskAdditionalSourceFile> | Will open a dialogue where you can point to a file |
<OutputPath> will be replaced with "Output Folder" from jobs list.
It is the same as <SourceFilePath> but can be changed by user.
<OutputFileName> will be replaced with "Output file name (w/o extension)" from jobs list.
It is mostly the same as <PureSourceFileNameWOExtension> but can be changed by
Note that this replacement is without file extension (and separating dot), so extension must be added in preset.
In "Edit Preset" window right-click on Arguments textbox and you can insert any
of the available variables.
It is wise to have filenames/paths in quotation marks as they may contain spaces.
When program is finished processing Arguments it should start automatically process with Arguments2.
This is usable for 2 pass algorithms.
Best way to create a new preset is to copy arguments from a working preset to new one and modify the new as needed.
Presets are stored in xml file "AnotherGUI Presets.xml".
We use AnotherGUI from shared folder as it doesn't need installation and so all computers from network share the same presets.
The paths to executables are stored in registry as they can vary from computer to computer.
Watchfolders allow AnotherGUI to automatically process all files what exist or appear in a specified filesystem foldor.
To activate Wathfolders in Preferences menu there should be SQLite files in the same folder with AnotherGUI.exe.
You can download needed SQLite files from AnotherGUI homepage. Be careful about Windows bitdepth 32 or 64.
To set up a Watchfolder:
- click on "Source folder" 4 column and new browser dialog appears
- right-click on "Source folder" 4 and you can manually enter the path
- drag'n'drop a folder from File Explorer to Watchfolder window (above)
You can create as much Wattchfolders as you like.
First 2 options are also valid to set up the "Output folder" 5.
This is the folder where results are saved.
Next choose a Preset 2 and create a Filter 3 if needed.
Now you are ready to Activate 1 your watchfolder.
To process again a Source files what had errors on processing click "Errors" 6.
Of course it is wize to check from log why the processing failed last time.
To process again a Source files what had rejected by filter click "Rejected" 7.
Probably you need to adjust your filter first.
To delete a Watchfolder select arow and hit delete.
You can't delete currently Active Watchfolders.
If a "Filter" is set to a Watchfolder only files what match to Filter are processed.
AnotherGUI automatically creates a folder named "Log" into Source folder.
There are log files for every day.
To see a log from current day you may also click "Today's log".
Video tutorials
Some good people havee posted video tutorials how to use AnothetGUI.
Behind the Slate:
Apple ProRes for Windows
How to Export
Apple Pro Res on a PC Using Windows
Encoding videos
in ProRes 4444 on Windows / PC